The Fun | Focus | Play Podcast
The Fun | Focus | Play Podcast
Episode 26 - Stuck At Home With Your Dog
In light of the Coronavirus outbreak, Wendy and Natasja discuss how you can keep your dog entertained at home when our ability to walk them has been curtailed by self-isolation or in the event of a national lockdown that will severely limit our ability to walk our best friends as we would normally do.
Pull up a chair, pour yourself a cup of your favourite hot drink, have a few biscuits or a piece of cake and settle down to find out how to keep your dog entertained at home.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Our regular outdoor dog training classes:
No Pulling Allowed Classes
Fun Focus Play Hoopers Classes
Natasja's Book No Pulling Allowed: from painfully disappointing drag to delightfully relaxing stroll.
Intro and outro music by Joseph McDade