The Fun | Focus | Play Podcast

Episode 14: We do not condone the use of drugs.

Natasja Lewis / Wendy Halliday Season 1 Episode 14

Natasja is joined by yet another special guest: Author, Dog Trainer and Business Coach Dom Hodgson, aka The King of Canine Common Sense, and this time we are tackling how to be more f-ing interesting when walking our dogs so they will stick by you rather than p*ssing off to find their own entertainment.

So grab your favourite tipple or hot beverage and snuggle down to listen to this weeks episode and find out why we don't condone the use of drugs.

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You can find out more about Dom and check out his books on Amazon and if you are a dog professional interested in learning about how to Grow Your Pet Business Fast check out his website here and sign up to Dom's 33 ideas email series.

Intro and outro music by Joseph McDade 

spk_0:   0:01
in a world where pet dog owners are bombarded on all sides with well meaning training solution, steeped in confusing jargon to dog trainers from the Agent county of Dorset share a passion for gardening Belgian shepherds and helping frustrated and struggling dog owners turn their unruly canine companions into the perfect walking partner. May about to simplify the dog training process using everyday examples and solutions providing the light at the end of the tunnel. Welcome to the fun focused play. Hello, everybody. And welcome to the fun Focus play podcast. I'm not a Shalu is on. We don't have a Wendy today, but instead I am joined by Dong Ha Jin on Dom is the What was your the King of Qin I Common sense

spk_1:   0:56
of Russia. What a start E could only go one way from here.

spk_0:   1:08
Yeah, you can only go laugh. Hee didn't forget my actual name. That's always a blast. Yeah, I did that one. I might do that bit again.

spk_1:   1:20
What's fine? People won't mind.

spk_0:   1:23
No, I'm sure they're okay. So first of all, dumb, tell us a little bit about yourself, Okay? So why are you the king ofthe canine s so uh, common sense, some innocents to get the right common sense. It and we are

spk_1:   1:43
a big fan of actually as well, yet common sense doctrine. So common sense is it's It's very little used, but it's very, very useful for petrol corners, So yeah, so let's go back in time a bit. I am. I left my I had a job as a sales rep for imperial tobacco or selling cigarettes for 10 years

spk_0:   2:05
for your sins. Yeah,

spk_1:   2:06
for my sins. Yeah, yeah, non smoker. So, you know, But you think you do toe keep a roof over here is actually in all fairness, it was It was a great job, really nice people and stuff and good bonuses and stuff like that. But yes, I I Jack that in about in after doing it for 10 years, Andi, if I'm honest, I would have been sacked, starting to cost a little bit on dso a very supportive wife. We still have a very supportive wife, I should say. And I had we paid our mortgage office about that. So we didn't have since got a big mortgage. Since then, Natasha, we've gone backwards way. So it had you know financially, it was probably a good time to do it. I don't want to do something different on DH. I could have done with the sales job, but my only soft or the passions at the time were, um what would it be outside, Really on. I also knew I wanted to kind of do something working with dogs. I've been helping out with my local rescue centre. We've recently adopted a doctor board or rescue Dr Board or called Barry on DH. So those two things kind of forced me. Tio force me men. I took a bit of a passing interest in doctrine and more than a passing interest, you know, and I could see how this exercise was really vital for the dogs in the rescue centres on DH Barry. Even though he was a doctor board door, he was quite a high energy Dr Bottle. When you get a rescue, listeners will know the often Commodore potential energy, usually one of the reasons why the previous order got rid of them because they haven't had a chance to get rid of that energy. And so I say, go. I go running with it, running with them eyes to come out with a bike, not particularly far, but way back pack that we bought from us. Well, I just kind of got me thinking. I wonder if there's anybody else who's anyone else in my town who is struggling, you know, to exercise that don't give their dog what they need. And like I say, he was a doctor board all. I could see lots of people with pointers and cockers. And you know, all these working breeds, which are all the rage these days on, I thought, surely make going to be struggling here. So

spk_0:   4:14
it was

spk_1:   4:14
kind of an idea for the business. Really. I launched tackling a dog adventures. The UK is first dog adventure company on DH. Yeah, as any business did, it took off pretty slowly, But I got some great clients early doors, which was fantastic. But what what happened was about six months into my my business journey, I realised one day, Natasha, that I didn't know anything about dogs.

spk_0:   4:43
That's a that's a good one. Yeah,

spk_1:   4:46
on I thought you were enough on about exercise and stuff. I've been a dog over 10 15 years myself, anywhere but still, you know, I didn't know enough, you know. I know. I certainly don't know how to control the dogs on the walk. Um, we were hiking and running with the dogs and having a great time when they were off lead, I was killed, you know? And it doesn't It didn't take long for Mito, I think. Oh, my God. I've got problems. Yeah, yeah, no control.

spk_0:   5:16
I often Yeah, it quite often when you let the dog softly. Especially if you got more than one it quite often the sense into chaos quite quickly that

spk_1:   5:24
stage. And it certainly did for me. And I

spk_0:   5:28
think it probably happened.

spk_1:   5:29
Maybe is over a course of but he's a month thinking about now. He should be brought a diary. About what? The time. But I remember it getting worse and worse, you know? And we're getting less control of the dogs every day. They were getting more bald and mohr adventurous by, you know, chasing are going off sniffing rabbits and pheasants and things are just playing with each other. Claire was becoming more boisterous. Um, on DH. Yeah, they just weren't listening to me, basically. And so that was kind of the halfway point in the adventure where I used to let them off lead to have a sniff in a play and stuff. And this is how kind of green I was. I didn't even have the sense to sort of let him off like two a time. You know, I wanna time. Okay. There you go, guys. Enjoy yourselves. And bloody l did they enjoy themselves off They went, but I was hating it, and I really thought I was gonna be the end of the business, to be honest, because it was enjoying it, you know, it wasn't my dream business on DH. Fortunately, I was pointed in the direction ofthe one of the world's leading doctrine is John Rogerson. I asked a Facebook friend of mine when she suggested John on as it happened. I think this must have been around these mere June's and almost open earlier. That was Easter time, and John was coming up in the summer to the Diamond Dogs Trust. And I was like, Bingo, I need to be on this course, And it s so I booked on there was a seven day dog intensive. I've never done a doctor in course before on DH. Yeah, I fixed. I mean, in every sense of the word. You know, it was I was the green eyed Don't walk at the back of the room in this room full of actually a lot of people who were there. I've got into the great friends with them since then, but, you know, Doctor dog trainers came from all over the world, you know, from Sweden and top end of Scotland and the islands and stuff to do this course with John and yeah, I was there. I learned of one looked in ever was brilliant, but it was It was a real eye opener on DH sort ofthe main thing that I learned from that course wass have to play with you. Don't you know on how black clearly the dog would have improved your relationship? It was the basis for everything that you did with him, Really? And just a very quick storey when I came home from the first day of the course and Beth was, you know, home from work, and and she was like because it cost quite a bit of money and all him, so nobody for me, and it was about 600 quid or something like that. And she, uh she said right or what did you learn? You know, that was like, Well, I said, basically, we just have to play with the dog spitball. And she was really? Yeah, sleep. That's like, even I could see then. I mean, obviously we learn a lot more, you know, but yeah, yeah, that was the star. But really I got on the floor and started. Started playing, doctor, probably first time my life, my dogs, I should say. And they looked at me a bit weirdly for the first couple of minutes. But sure enough, of squeaky voices and moving the toy around the floor on Barry's started, get interested, started getting out of the turkey game going. And I was like, Bloody Elvis actually works, you know? So you did. The full week on that course is Well, I also met a guy called David Davies, who is a amazing doctrine. One of John's kind of projects. Fantastic doctor in his own right. But they have lived in Darlington too, in her with so I can after the course, I continued my dog trade and education on the David on DA. Yeah, I've been very, very lucky in that sense that I've been blessed really with the you fell in with the right crowd. You know, I fell in with the really sensible doctrine is on DH. Yeah, and that's all. That was kind of the start of the change of things. Next week, I went out with a bag full of toys, and instead of letting them all off, let them do what they want. And I started to the way of Frisbees around and run away and mit and chase me and, you know, throw treats into the grass and think I'm sure enough, Natasha, this star to listen, Teo e. You know, But yeah. And Andi. So that was kind of then over the next couple of years to fast forward a little bit over the next couple years, a kind of practise and perfected, and the business really took off. Then, you know, because I don't see what we were doing was kind of far unaware better than what anybody else was doing on DH. Yeah, I just kind of the business took on a number of different No repetition sort of angles from there. But then I sort of thought, um, have online store, which was a sort of failed venture, and outside to get more warning training through the workers with death on DH just kind of practised and perfected and came up with, based on John's teachings and Dev's teachings Kind of a play with your dog kind of philosophy. And yeah, then that kind of became what I was known for, really, you know, and hence there hence the king. A canine common sense. Something is just really basic enjoyable doctrine that anything anybody can do, you know?

spk_0:   10:31
Yeah, and I think that's really important. This, innit? Teo, make sure that the owners to people that you're teaching actually understand what you're on about. Because what I find with a lot of people have been to, you know, who come to me from other trainers. One of the things I always say to me is that I now understand what the other trainer was trying to tell me because I just put it in plain English, and I just find that so much you know, so much easier to bring across what I'm trying to teach them by putting in a way that they can understand rather than talking about all these sort of doctrine. Everything's the only doctrine is no what they actually mean by up. Because one of my one of my my my butt bears and actually one of Wendy's as well is with punishment, because punishments in they in the mind off a normal dog owner is something completely different than punishment is in the mind of a doctrine. Because punishment in the mind of a doctrine, it just means that you're doing something to reduce the behaviour that you don't want to a dog owner. It actually means, you know, we need to tell the dog off. That's not what it's about. It Oh, no, no,

spk_1:   11:51
no, no, no, no, no. I mean, in a way, you know, they're gonna be They're gonna be ever so slightly linked on me because you know you are. Yeah, because because we're emotional creatures, aren't you know? And if your dogs yeah, it's just peed in an old lady's handbag or he's just jumped up and not to get your girl or he's just, you know, pinch your sandwich or something. You know you're not going to say, Oh, you know, You know, you're not gonna like one. Click him. And so if you know, you're just not saying, you know, you are you you're going to react, you know? Yeah, definitely. I think you're right. Yeah. Um, it's how you react is in its death. So it's it's okay.

spk_0:   12:29
It's how you

spk_1:   12:30
across its even. Okay, You Nobody l people be turning the gravy. All the positive doctrine is, but, you know, showering with adult domain. It's like, you know, actual times, you know, tell the doctor Stop it. You mean that's okay? Yeah. Sometimes they will just stop. Um,

spk_0:   12:49
especially when they read in the sun. Yeah. Booth way.

spk_1:   12:54
Definitely agree with you. Yeah, it's it's educating the business is tau.

spk_0:   12:59
I sort of trying. Yeah. And it's also getting across to them that you know, the things, the way they think about things and the way they think words doctrinally jargon means is not actually what it means. So it's much easier just to do away with the dog training jargon and just say, OK, this is how it works. Well, it's just but in

spk_1:   13:20
planning. I'll tell you what it's not. It's not even easier. It's essential. It's essential that you do that because you do win. Really, Um, get my horse here, but you get on my high horse, you're doing You're doing a disservice, really, to the client and their dog and the potential for improvement. Bye. Trying to educate them into the ways of fancy doctrine is talk, you know, and you're not happen them at all. And I think, you know, obviously there's a big There's always kind of arguments in the dog training world isn't there in positive and unbalanced and all this kind of thing. And I think a lot of it is down. This this use of language and stuff, you know, because I think there's no people don't like. People don't get what the dog Trina's. I'm capable of getting it. I'm capable of doing it. It's just what you said. It's like they just don't understand it, you know, school, like they just never go back to the easiest thing that they might know. Which is it going to be more effective thing? So it's not. It's much easier. It's actually essential bond, like from a marketing point of view, obviously is how you're gonna you know, because you've been in my world, while you're gonna be able to much more easily attract people into your world so you can help more people, can you if you talk to them about the albums that we've got in a way that they understand, you know, and give them a sensible solutions that that they can understand getting bored with it and carry out

spk_0:   14:50
Well, that's exactly it. Isn't that so? What we were going to talk about today way, haven't you? We haven't really covered the dog walking south of Wait.

spk_1:   15:08
No, no, we haven't known.

spk_0:   15:09
And how to be more interesting for your dog on the actual dog walk. And I know that's a biggie for you because you're always on about being more interesting to

spk_1:   15:18
indeed yet be more often interesting. But I promised I would be a good boy on your podcast. Yeah, I just I just wanted people Teo because they wanted by my boss. If they buy my book, they find some colourful language in there on DH PMF. I'd be more effort. Interesting was I was kind of one of the things that I wasn't I was so got known for guess,

spk_0:   15:38
Shukri. Yeah. Yeah, Well, it is

spk_1:   15:40
really a market. And creators Well, but only my dog. Yeah, definitely. Doctrine and create because, you see,

spk_0:   15:47
it's something that people

spk_1:   15:47
can get on board with. You know, it's fucking easier toe to me. It's far more easy to explain. Someone look like your dog is currently board on DH is not even necessarily didn't Love doesn't love you. It's just that he's interested in doing things. And if you don't, um, appear energy levels on DH B M F high orbit, be more interesting to him. Then he's gonna you know, when yourself leading, the party's gonna go and find someone else to do and whether that's chasing someone on a bike, find in leftover sausage rolls underneath the park bench are rolling in Fox pill. He's gonna go off and find something else to do, you know, because that's dogs around, that dogs are adventurous and they're interested in things, and they're like, exploring and they're like chasing and, you know, on some of them might retrieve them, and they like playing. So if your dog likes all of those things and he just thinks of you was the guy. You stands there with you. Let's him awfully to go into all these wonderful things and then put him on leader that, you know, when he eventually gets offered him again. Um, obviously, that's gonna make for a really unpleasant walk. Isn't it on kind of thing, just really quickly the storey that I told at the start about how I started my business in a way that's quite similar to how well off pet dog owners have reported a relationship, You know, we get a dog because they have it. I started my business because I thought I loved the idea of it. But really, I didn't know anything about it, you know, and the dog owners to say, um, you know, they're gonna learn that there, Teo, to be able to really enjoy their dog, especially outside special lead, which, you know, although should have some awfully that size. Really? You know the relationships. The key isn't just being a bit more interesting to you, which isn't that difficult.

spk_0:   17:29
It isn't because it is just like you said. It's very simple. Listen it it's you know, if you don't like the bull, take a ball. Don't just keep saying you're okay. Actually, user and behaviour, you're going with it. But is the most easy thing that when you go out on your dog walk, it's just, you know, engaged with your dog. Play with your dog because the more engaged, the more you play with your dog more, your dog is gonna be looking at you saying, Okay, what we're gonna do next percent. And then there's so much more likely when you know, to come back to you when you asked him to come back because, hey, fun starts and finishes with you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then, you know, they just want to be with you rather than, you know, buggering off on DH on and doing the right thing

spk_1:   18:20
that you like this Dave Davies, my mentor used to say that there isn't really any such thing as like a recall problem. You know, it's just the fact that your dog is overly interested in something else, you know? So if all he's interested in is you, then you've got it made. Haven't you know? Because he's gonna follow you around for the Foley around. Everywhere you go on, leader ofthe fleet on DH, I think in a weird, sort off beef I have with a lot of loving pet dog owners. Really. Dog trainer is a lot of them because they kind of encourage a lot off doctor dog Claire and I see them doing it, you know, even forced pictures of their dogs doing it and stuff. It's off. It sets off set people look for it's too confusing, fatal border, you know, so you can have you can't see it in the dog order are being more interesting. But also how we got to do this Because obviously, you're never gonna be as interested as I can in the dog. You know, really. I mean, you know, if if that's what the dog's doing regularly and enjoy it and you know what it is, it's a bit of a philosophy of, of saying right, I'm gonna take responsibility for my dog. I am gonna provide all these things for him that you said before, even if it is just chucking a ball up a dozen times. You know, our cooking. Some treated it was mouth when he sits down, or, you know, whatever it is that turns him on this. But if you do, that's yeah, then Then you've got it made, you know? But you gotta accept that. That's gotta be what you liked what you said before. That's really the main thing that the dog remembers from that walk. You know, it's no good. It's over playing with him for 20 minutes and then let them, you know, and are, you know, practising tricks with him for 20 minutes and then letting him of three minutes running around with a randy pool. You know, because guess what he's going to remember next time you come from that visit in the park when he couldn't get into cu listening. You know, civil, like, makes more sense to say, Why don't I just Why don't I just people lied when that happens and do this, you know? Yeah, I know. Not everybody digs it kind of attitude, but remark I've been I'm like, the ex smoker, You know, I've been there before. I've been there where I used to let my dog clearly needs to let the dogs play, You know too much. You know, they were play fighting and you know so yeah, that's to me. that's how the pet dog, when it can fix a lot of their own problems.

spk_0:   20:35
Yeah, I completely agree with that because I think that the the problems normally start right from Puppy Hood when they encourage the puppy to play with other dogs rather than playing with them. And it just sets the dog up to know that Oh, other dogs are great fun. But my owner is boring

spk_1:   20:57
yet for sure. And I'm really glad you mentioned that, actually, because like a dog in your own, it is what I'm talking about, what I'm talking about with the Worry Free Walks book and how it would be a dog superhero about this for being more interesting things. Yeah, it could be difficult, you

spk_0:   21:13
know, if you've got a

spk_1:   21:14
dog who's like, Yeah, who's practised playing with other dogs are chasing pigeons are doing whatever it is that's been taken away from you. England change overnight. You know it. Everyone change over a weekend or a couple of weeks. Continue. It's gonna take a while, you know, it's gonna take a while for you to re teach your dog that you're more interesting than that thing that he enjoyed before. And it might mean that you might not be able to go on that car for a while or certainly let him off lead or go without beach or wherever it was that he was doing that behaviour. But your puppy? Yeah. When you get a puppy, they

spk_0:   21:46
don't have any

spk_1:   21:46
of that. You know it. Pooky learns. How will be it not be? How does it feel to be a dog? You know, for the 1st 8 weeks, it's not yet enough going weak forever. But then they learned it would be a human, you know, human paint. And so you have the opportunity. Then took solve imprint on that puppy, right? You know, I am the most interesting thing at the beach. On the most interesting thing in the park. I am the most interesting thing that the shops, you know, This is what we do at the park. This is what we do at the beach. This is what we do in the shops. This is what we do with the pub. You know, you have that tea really put on in there and yeah, like like, is that what you just said? I've got clients and I've been there myself as well. Where Maeve, like the wonderful owners on their their their dogs have a pretty good as well. Don't get me wrong. But like, they're maybes got public class or something like that, where the dog's been allowed

spk_0:   22:38
only a few times,

spk_1:   22:39
you know, tow my ass around, you know, unsupervised almost with other dogs. Maybe the learns to be a little bit of a bully, or they've learned to be fully know what we've learned really enjoy and whatever, and and it's kind of messed up, you know? It's imprinted on them, like, you know, Yeah. If you want a good time

spk_0:   22:57
and it takes Yeah, it only takes one. It only takes 11 time for that to happen. If one time for them to either play with another dog and really enjoy it. Or on the flip side, You know, if you've got a really, um a really scared puppy and really shy puppy. If that puppy gets jumped on by another dog, she'll remember that for the rest of her life. Yeah, uh, eventually. Because she scared. You know, you've got a good chance that that puppy will actually grow up and be reactive with dogs. You come on straight away because it might not come on straight away. Ah, at the end of the day, if that has happened, you will find somewhere down the line. Your puppy says, Oh my God, I cannot cope with this and I'm going to react. You know, they'll be barking, lunging at the end of the lead. And people are thinking a Iot but will happen. She was such a happy go lucky, but she's just been putting up with it and she's just had enough. And she says, I can't cope with this, know it all and therefore, you know, I'm going to I'm just going to shout at these dogs because I want them to stay away from me. If that doesn't work, I'll shows a lunger. If that doesn't work, I'll shout Lind and

spk_1:   24:17
bite them and it'll escalate like that. Yeah,

spk_0:   24:24
it can escalate if you're not listening to your dog and they can ask you.

spk_1:   24:27
Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. No, you're right. And I think to solve wrap up that little puppy bit really well from my point of view, something that I talk about the perfect puppy project is like when you're looking for a class. And I do think people should call classes. You know, you know how much the same thing, but they should. They should go to classes. This's great opportunity for you to bond with your dog. I mean, when I caught Stephanie even our entire class and I was dog training myself, then you know what? I went too soon. Okay. And local doctrine in Newcastle. Fantastic trainer. You know, where we learned all the same stuff that we're talking about Now, you know, there was no free rolls and stuff, and so, yeah, I would go along to a clacks. You know, go along to a class without the puppy first, you know, on the doctrine that should allow you to come down and cheque it out. If they don't, then the summits inspectorate with anyone. You should look for somebody else. But if they're, um, you know, go along. And if if it's if it's free for all Like what we've been describing. Yeah, but you still don't bother. Just don't bother going, you know, because they clearly don't have well to make it clear that I would have knowledge themselves. They drive the best interest of the dogs. And, you know, why would you want why would you wanna potentially put yourself in that situation? You know, um, it's, like, try and heroin or something, isn't it? You know, you could probably try heroin and, well, you couldn't probably know if you definitely tried heroin. You know what's gonna happen? You don't mean, but you may be able to do it, and you'll be You'll be fine. And you will get addicted to dopamine, But cancers are so why take the chance?

spk_0:   25:57
Good. Good chance that you will carry on. And a table? Yes, way. No, not recommending any drugs whatsoever? No, but what's going to say? Yeah, um, what was going to say was that I think a lot of dog trainers allow off leave. Probably play because the owners like to say that, uh, piece playing.

spk_1:   26:34
Yeah. No, I get that. You know, you feel like you know, it's Christmas time. I don't feel like the Grinch somewhat times saying that foot again. And I'm just coming at it from the point of your payout being there, you know, I've been there. I've been a person who didn't feel like I was in control. And it's not a very nice feeling. You know, I would far rather it's not. I would far rather be a bit more safer, a bit more cautious on DH. You know, know that my dog was safe than you know. Just roll the dice and God knows what happened, you know, because just because, like what you said. But now the doc's done so quickly it can happen so fast, you know, it only takes a couple of times doing something. Two to enjoy it. Yeah, you know, learn, learn to enjoy it. And then and then yeah, yeah, that's it. And it says

spk_0:   27:27
it is, Yeah, and so I you know, I think especially with Poppy's, it's so important Teo to start off the way. You mean to go on because you know, when your puppy is older, you don't want her to run off and go and great every other dog that they

spk_1:   27:42
say it's just not safe

spk_0:   27:44
on. It's not safe because you don't know what the other one would like to start with. Ah, nde. You know, a lot of people come to me and they say, You know, we've got a problem with this. My dog is much more interested in the other dogs and just wants to go and play. But the other doctor might not like that.

spk_1:   28:02
Yeah, indeed. And, uh, I was gonna see, um, I was gonna go. That's what was going to say. It's the thing about this as well. It's Mrs again. That's why I'm so grateful to Dave and John. Especially def really. Is this this whole, like play with your dog thing? It's actually this's the big single Natasha. It's actually really fun. It's really fun when you play with your dog and he enjoys is because Guess what? You enjoy it as well. You know, there's no better feeling than having a dog, you know, looking at you. And you said you wanted to see what we're gonna do next. That you know a man. Andi, you know what we're gonna do next? And it's It's just full. It's just fun to play with your dog. Not

spk_0:   28:53
even to train the answer. Yes, it's fun to train him

spk_1:   28:55
as well, but you don't have to. Do you know you have a new friend too? May you know you Could you could you just beat a phone person? You know, little still. Quick Storey. Before I started my business, I usedto I used to see the guys, some guys in the park. You had the balls, you know, Andi and that they would have let me see what part? What part of the Cali? Wherever. And however it wass and then last of culture for a while, and then they put it all on you? No, Have a walk around, then take them on. You know, when I used to think, I used to think I used to think, Oh, my God. I was, like, so boring for the dog, you know, like, just go backwards and forwards about was the four. It's outside. I actually like the dog's gonna do something that I want to do some anyway, you know what? If the owner wasn't doing that, Yeah, it had just been off chasing pigeons or whatever, you know. So like, it's, um yeah, you gotta provide. Got provided something. You fed it to just provide something for the dog to do.

spk_0:   29:51
Yes. Also saying that I don't actually like the bull truckers don't mean it may

spk_1:   29:57
need. I just used that as an example for our youth than didn't use anything at all. You know, that's kind of, you know.

spk_0:   30:05
Yes, I know what I mean. Yeah. Yeah, But the thing that I get with the bull checkers is that I think that people don't realise just how much energy is taking out the dog on the over exercising that way. That's why I

spk_1:   30:18
don't You know, you're like, you know, for example, but I still stand by it because I think if everybody e I think everybody took a ball, took it to the park on. I guess I'm not a fan of them. I don't even own one. But if everybody took a bullet out of the park, Andi either put treats in it or balls in this door for their dogs that be next to know, recall problems at all? Do not me. Oh, you know are now. No, that wasn't. Yeah, but this will be a balance, Ugo.

spk_0:   30:47
Yeah, It would be a little bit weird, you know? You know, I throw balls for my dogs. I've got Frisbees, I've got the safe sticks. Um, I threw all of that for my for my dogs and have great fun playing with them. Um, well, until one comes back limping after having torn her partner,

spk_1:   31:11
that's a that I think that's a very recent role wound, but literally is in the literal sense as well. Yeah, you know, that's a shame.

spk_0:   31:21
Yeah. Yeah, she she does have to do everything in 2000 miles an hour. That's probably one thing Young said Cassie. Yeah, well, last year about this time, she did something similar, but actually broke her nail on DH. It ended up sticking like that, Like a 90 degree angle sideways. That was now state. Not as nasty as this wound that she's got now, but yeah, but that was just playing with, you know, Chuck and the bull office. Lee. She's caught it on something God knows what. Whether it was just the ground or whether they're war's about pottery or about stone sticking out, I don't know, But gosh, it wass it was horrendous. Nothing. So, yes, I think we probably covered it all. Now I'm just trying to think off every anything else, but yeah, I think I think that's probably about it. We've got about half an hour to normal. Yeah, I'm happy. Eso Why don't you tell people where they can find it out a little bit more about you and where they can get your books? Yeah. So probably

spk_1:   32:39
the easiest way is to get a book. Really? You know, if you're a pet dog owner, you can grab a copy off for three doctrine and books out on Amazon. There are and audible as well. So you can cheque out the Kindle version, the print version or the audio book version ofthe How to Be a Dog superhero. Then there's worry. Free walks on the most recent dog train and book is the perfect copy project. So three different ones on DH. Any pet professionals? Listen to this. Any dog trainers, you know, walkers or whatever Who, um, who have who have got, you know, enjoy their dog business they might want to do would be doing a bit better. They should probably cheque out the Gloria Pepa's past website. That's probably the easiest places, people.

spk_0:   33:30
Good. Well, thank you very much for coming on. I've really enjoyed our chat on DH has always Well, well, as always. Yes. Andi will talk against

spk_1:   33:44
Hazem. Alright, Take case of the title. Thanks again.

spk_0:   33:47
Okay. Thank you