The Fun | Focus | Play Podcast

Episode 13: Bouncebackability Gold

Natasja Lewis / Kerry Lawson Season 1 Episode 14

This week Natasja is joined by a very special guest on the Podcast. Kerry Lawson the FairyDogMother from Leeds has joined me to talk about flexibility and why it is important to teach our dogs to bounceback and be flexible in their responses to whatever life throws at them.

We didn't have tea or biscuits this week as the podcast was recorded over the internet as Kerry lives and works in Leeds, but don't let that stop you from nestling down in your most comfy chair with your favourite hot drink or tipple and pour us into your ears.

Subscribe to The Fun Focus Play Podcast on I-Tunes or on Stitcher Radio, or wherever else you stumbled across it and remember to leave us a little review and share the podcast with your friends and family.

You can find out more about Kerry and what she is up to on her website or check out The Happy Dog Project here.

Intro and outro music by Joseph McDade 

spk_0:   0:00
where pet dog owners are bombarded on all sides with well meaning training solution steeped in confusing jargon to dog trainers from the Agent county of Dorset share a passion for gardening Belgian shepherds and helping frustrated and struggling dog owners turn their unruly canine companions into the perfect walking partner. May about to simplify the dog training process using everyday examples and solutions providing the light at the end of the tunnel. Welcome to the fun focused play. Hello, everybody. And welcome to the fun focus play podcast. My name isn't Sasha Lewis, and I'm here today with Carrie Lawson. Hello, Carrie.

spk_1:   0:50
In the high. Natasha.

spk_0:   0:51
Hi. How are you doing?

spk_1:   0:53
No sign. Thank you.

spk_0:   0:55
Okay, before we start talking about what we're going to be talking about, which is making sure that our dogs are flexible in their responses. Yeah, on will explain what that means in second. I just thought it would be nice for you to give us a little bit off a background about who you are and what you do.

spk_1:   1:19
Yeah, well, yeah. I'm Carrie. I'm the fairy dog mother on DH. I tend to specialise in puppy training because I want them all to start off so well. But you know that a mill on the other thing I do is dealing with and help in fearful and anxious and scared dogs. Because that truly is my passion. Because I don't want dogs. Don't live that long. I mean, I lost one of mine last week. They don't live long enough and I don't want them. Tio have a life of parents in scared, like, every time they go out, every time I visited comes and and they deserve to be happy and on. That's important to May. So what I love doing is helping people just build confidence on resilience in the dogs so that they enjoy the life and they enjoy being out or not. They don't get scared all the time, and that's that's my passion. Merely so. That's what I do and that that's a happy don't project. So that's what I focus on, mostly along with training

spk_0:   2:22
along with the proper training. Yeah, that's science, in a sense. Very interesting, actually, because a lot of dogs that are a little bit fearful on a little bit reactive, they are not mentally there, No, in a good place, all they?

spk_1:   2:39
No, no. And they're supposed to be our best friend. And where their guardian in their protector on DH, We need to help them get over that so they enjoy life because that's what it's about. The dogs having fun. I mean, is it is

spk_0:   2:52
It is. Yeah, definitely on DH. That's the reason why we're gonna be talking about flexibility.

spk_1:   2:59
Yes, it is,

spk_0:   3:00
isn't it? Because I'm actually that is, you know, from the way I'm looking at it, if your dog is flexible, what that means is that when he ah, when he comes across a certain situation that he might be feel a little bit threatened or frightened for what you normally get is that a dog will choose to respond in a particular way. So if your dog is scared, he might choose to lunge or bark at something that's scaring him. Yeah, on. And if we if that choice that the dogs made is successful, then oven ever he comes and whenever he gets into a similar situation, he'll react the same way. Yeah,

spk_1:   3:51
and they can learn that through even just one experience. That yeah, that when the bar the scary thing goes why,

spk_0:   3:58
and that's what flexibility comes into. It isn't there. Because if we if we can teach our dogs that it's okay to respond in a different way to the thing that they feel fearful about, then weaken guide them to making better choices on DH. Actually, ignore those things and just trust us to make sure that they don't get into trouble.

spk_1:   4:25
It is yes, because we have We've got to. We've got to give them choices, but we want them to make the right ones. I'm so one. Feel better under owner. Feel better because one is having a reactive dog. The owners of frustrated and upset and even angry sometimes embarrassed every emotion you can sing or yeah, sad upset. Yeah, yeah, getting themselves have been crossed with the dog and miserable and they just don't enjoy the walks. So a life in general, some kinds of some dogs, so we're meeting is getting into the dogs on the owners to make the right choices, isn't it? That was funny.

spk_0:   5:09
Yeah. Yeah, it's It's about making the whole experience for dog hole dogs live easier on More enjoyable. Like you said before,

spk_1:   5:20
it is yes, yes, definitely because yes, yes, anywhere. The guy every day. Yes, sometimes dogs air scared from an anxious from the moment they walk out the front door and the owner's walking them every day says horrible experiences twice a day. Yes, it's been enjoyable for them. We take them for a walk for them, not for girls most of the time. And it is not the one on the Don't enjoy it

spk_0:   5:47
now. And that's the whole thing, isn't it? Because, you know, that's the one thing that I keep telling my students is that you know when when you go out for a walk, the walkers for your dog, it's not for you.

spk_1:   6:01
No, we don't looking. It's

spk_0:   6:04
It's your dogs walk. It's it's there time to go out and explore things and have a really, really nice experience providing that they are not scared or reacting in a negative way to what they meet other. Because as soon as that happens, then you know it doesn't become in enjoyable anymore, not for the owner, but not for the dog, either.

spk_1:   6:31
Well, in its files, a life if they don't have that enjoyable experience of going out and no exploring the world and everything in it. Yeah.

spk_0:   6:42
Yeah. So, um so flexibility is really important, isn't it?

spk_1:   6:48
Yes. Yeah, I'm flexibility. Even from, you know, when their owner goes out for the walk would be unable to its being a hatpin that don't their dogs x that and Georgian, they might even walk out of the door on judge how the dogs feeling and go in a different walk. They'll help the dog instead of, you know, going to a place where they know it's going to upset. The dog was just them out because obviously they have today's worst days. Opinion, arousal. You know how excited they are and things like that. That and how come they are. So it is. It's made his flexibility. From the moment you go out, if we're talking about outdoor stuff Yeah, you know what? I

spk_0:   7:31
yeah, that's the thing, isn't it? Is that that is the thing? It is not just that. We need to teach our dogs to be flexible, But I think for what you're saying there was that we need to be flexible too.

spk_1:   7:42
Yes, yes, as well. Because, you know, if you know, the dog's gonna get upset and anxious in the park full of dogs. Onda not feeling it that day and they think it might be worse than this should take them somewhere else for the dog is gonna have a nice walk. So its flexibility from the beginning, to be honest, Yeah. Mistake or

spk_0:   8:09
choosing? Yeah. So we just say that if you sort of go out with your dog and you notice that they're really distressed and upset, would you actually take it still take it for the walk? Or would you say, actually, in that case, I might just go back inside? Yeah. I'll take

spk_1:   8:28
a look. Go back outside if if the dog's looking really anxious, there's other things you khun dough. And sometimes it's people. You've got to take your dog out twice a day. Do the Big Wall and you dogs freaked out. Scared. Sometimes it's better for that. I'm not to go for a walk and do some playtime and chasing balls and things in the God that is said. And some enrichment and brain work is a better probably what the dogwood chose around you. Get out that?

spk_0:   8:58
Yeah. So you just have the word enrichment. Yes, actually mean

spk_1:   9:04
I'm giving the dogs. Wow. Enrichment did her definition of it, But I think it is given the mental stimulation on DH things to dio and things to take them out men, clay and stimulate the brain rather than just lying around all day or going for a walk. The needs are needed to use the brain like like food toys and scavenging. Because dogs are natural, scavengers are they won't survive issues if the good is governed in. So so and then love doing it. So giving the dog something like that to do instead if you dogs too anxious to go out of the doll is fine.

spk_0:   9:49
Yeah, what we say when we say scavenging, we don't mean given them the bin bag and have a teeny bit. So I just had this view ofthe people pulling out that bins out of them that you have been lying, decided the Benziger. Okay, just dive in this.

spk_1:   10:10
No, no, but, you know, I treat all snuffle, Matt slip mats, things like that. And you could

spk_0:   10:18
do some of that

spk_1:   10:19
before they go out. Can't you? Yeah, Teo on them before they go for the world, because obviously this is an enrichment toes and get more excited, like rolling a ball around with treats coming out of it all you like, Mark for four months that bring them down to a bit of calm before you to which was another choice. You may be flexible that you have a

spk_0:   10:44
year and yeah, for those people who haven't seen a lick, Matt, they're basically silicon mats. And they're about about school. Yeah. Yes. So once, you know, you can get bigger ones now, but there are about foot Square, and all they have is I have a little novels or little race squares or pluses or whatever that you know, they come in different sort of textures. Don't may help. There's different patterns on them. And basically, what you do is you just smear some some food on there, so it could be just some, you know, minced beef, just on example. Or maybe some, um, some cream cheese or peanut butter on then the dog. Yeah, and I don't know, Pat a May hay anything like that. And you can just you just you just smear it on this mat, and then you put the mat down on the floor. on, then you just let your dog lick it. But it's It's something that needs to be done while you're supervising your dog. Because some dogs don't tend to pick them up and start chewing them.

spk_1:   11:54
Yes, my, my, my lovely Molly got one for the first time. A while back on, they decide it's shiny, but like the I think it's a bit like me is a bit like maybe boiled sweets. I can't stop them. I have to crunch them on. I think he's kind of a bit like that. You wanted to eat it into the lake. It, But he's getting out of it now. Betting it now. And he's learned that that puts his paws on it. Don't slide on the floor on DH and he loves them now. You didn't lend a dog like you know Shepherd Belter ship is the need of it. Calmness in the life. Oh,

spk_0:   12:26
they need a lot of e

spk_1:   12:29
they So

spk_0:   12:32
you're finding out

spk_1:   12:34
Absolutely yes is off. Switch is idea, but yeah, it looks Come down before you go out for a walk. Can I can make a difference sometimes. Well, the house, Yes, in there. Is that pulling on the blade it can. It can help. It can make the more reactive because the polling and struggling and it all stressed. And when the working day it can, you know it can make them comma in the first place so they can help clear up to the day. Amazing. Yeah,

spk_0:   13:17
yeah, on DH. That's one of things that we talked about with the podcast with Claire Lawrence, which was called, Comes as your friend if you want. If anyone wants to go back and listen to that one, I think it's I think it's Episode five if I'm not mistaken that one. So if anyone wants to go and listen back to that one, because that's the real gold in there about you know how to encourage calmness in your dog, which, of course, very, very important when you've got

spk_1:   13:47
a reactive dog, it is, yes, about that. There's so many variables there. There's lots of choices. So you so you know you've got to be flexible because you don't know what your dog's gonna come across when you're out there and you don't have the gonna react to always. Yeah, he got no the illusion that Yeah,

spk_0:   14:12
yeah, And you've got to encourage them to make the right choices as well. So, you know, if you find that you're getting you know, your dog is starting to get really excited and wound up about something that he sees in the distance, then maybe the right choice is not to continue walking towards it, but actually to go off and go a different direction. Yeah, definitely. Yes. Which again is about flexibility on our part. But it's also about stopping your dog from making that wrong choice. So stopping your dog from deciding to do the barking and the lunging towards whatever

spk_1:   14:53
it is that they're reacting to. So whether that's

spk_0:   14:55
another dog or whether that is, you know, something that they've seen in the distance?

spk_1:   15:02
Yeah, And if it's found if away which you should, because we want to get them that make the choice before anything happens, that upsets them. Yeah, walking is the choice, but yeah, the owners being flexible about where the walk and just go Just cause we normally walk that way doesn't mean we have to. We can go this, but yeah, all choice off. Ask. You needed to do something no do Cem calming games. Do Cem Cem form Play If you know if it's far enough away and you just just keep them busy you Khun, get them more excited or Carmen that I'm a different types of games car with. So yeah. So long Time is obviously walking the rays of the best option. Yeah, the dog can have all the things they automatically go.

spk_0:   15:51
Yeah, you know, the Wallander I quite often use When, when I'm out about walking with with my girls Because because Cassie, she's just a bit reactive. She's just very fearful off of the dogs because ofthe things that have happened in the past, Then I won't go into exactly what happens. But, um, things happened in the past and that made her anxious about hot dogs coming up to her. Yes. Um, so she sort of got to the stage where when she sees another dog, if I see that she is going to react, then I might just take five or six paces back so that we get to the point far enough away where I know that she wrote actually act and then just do some scatter feeding on the floor. So what? Draw a little bit to trace on the floor for her to sniffle out on DH? I found that normally helps as well, and then once she's calmed down again, we can actually get a little bit closer. And then I'll do another scatter feet and then I'll take her away again.

spk_1:   16:59
Yeah, yeah, so is changing. Those know how they feel about the situation as well? Yes, And let's say there's another thing you know, I contact is obviously wonderful. So we want the bag and and yeah, making you dog make the right choices that when the CIA dog, the turn round and look at you is a choice he doctor make. And that's a nice habit that

spk_0:   17:25
we know it's happy. Yeah, that's a very nice habit, because when you've got that habit and they're looking at you, they are in fact ignoring the other dog, even though they are fully aware that it's there. I like you when you can gather eye contact on when you can get it close enough. Then, um, then you know that's the way for you to actually get past. That's all the without our dog reacting and making the wrong choice.

spk_1:   17:57
So then I have to make the choice to stay far away enough that the dogs okay. And then, like when we're done practising my clients, you know, I take the obviously we teach focus and look at May and things like that. But yeah, it really doesn't take long. And they're always surprised by how quickly the dogs see another dog and just automatically look at their new anger. Could have some tickets if it happens quite fast on building habits. Is great habits of making the right choices. Yeah. Yeah. Or you could do figure of eight walking slowly and now depend. Yeah, and whatever helps each individual dog the best. But anything that's where the flexibility comes in. Depends. How is no how If the dogs run into, aren't you? Are the lead dog does? Does loads of possibilities

spk_0:   18:53
various. Definitely, definitely. And I like the figure of eight walking older. I don't call it Figure of eight walking. I think to refer to it is then walking. Oh, that's a

spk_1:   19:04
nice murder threat. Yes,

spk_0:   19:07
because it's well, a popping, really relaxed. And in the moment you can

spk_1:   19:12
ask your dog. Two. I'm just You're right. It is. It's just been a Yeah,

spk_0:   19:20
it's just getting that a point where you're at one with your dog. So when you're doing your figure of AIDS, you just keep doing it until your dog naturally falls in beside your side, no idea by your side. And then you just keep walking and I call it sand and walking because I think when you couldn't send walking, people tend to do it slower than when you just say, figure about walking.

spk_1:   19:44
I like I like someone nicked that as well, but I

spk_0:   19:47
think that you can not give you permission to make a

spk_1:   19:51
That's a nice way to say that if you like, it

spk_0:   19:55
is, isn't it? I need it immediately. Make sense to people you don't. Ah, fine. Because when I was, you know, when I was talking about figure of eight walking, people were sort of going really, really quickly. I'm thinking, How can I put it so that they understand exactly what I mean? Because I kept having to tell, you know, you could have to go slower. You have to go slow. You have to go slower. Yes, on, then that's one day. I don't know why, but one day I said, that's a little bit like, you know, when you get that send feeling Listen, son. Walking ever since.

spk_1:   20:32
Yeah, yeah. No, I left. They were after thinking something else. They just figured out. Just makes it easy for people to get. All right, That's what I do. I just walk in a figure, but it doesn't need to do do it too fast. You're right.

spk_0:   20:47
Yeah, because I, you know, I always used to say to people is like, When do you think you're going slow? Half your speed?

spk_1:   20:55
Yes. Yes. Because that's not slide. Yeah,

spk_0:   21:00
basically, because woman when we're thinking we're moving slowly, it's not slow enough for this whole sort of Zen feeling.

spk_1:   21:09
No, to

spk_0:   21:09
take hold in the dog, and then you on. That's what that figure of eight walking is all about, doesn't it? It's all about creating calmness. Yes, on DH, sort of allowing. The dog just wants to take in the environments and to decide that Actually, it's not a threat.

spk_1:   21:29
Yes, I'll be with you and trust you because he's Yeah. No, it's It's about you being a place of comfort and security on them, trusting you Things like that. Build that. So they'll just walk with you and just go wherever you're going from. I'm going with you. Yeah, just just do it when they get used to dio how It's a great

spk_0:   21:55
Yeah, yeah, on dit is all about building those habits isn't at the end of the day.

spk_1:   22:01
Yes, it is because habits they're easier for them to do, Like owes her an email that happens still today about Yeah, I walk downstairs at the door for the dogs flick the Catalan pop some coffee, a nickel. It's a habit. Yeah, I don't think I fancy a cup of coffee. I just do. It is like when you're distracted and you drive past the end of the street is supposed to go down because you go the way you normally go. Yeah, great grain just just kicks in and does what you normally do. Yeah, it does. China's well, where when something happens, that's what the day it's nice shins, depending on the situation as well, they have to be flexible, not just always do that thing, because that might not be the right thing in that situation. So I need a few options, I think.

spk_0:   22:51
Yeah. Yeah. And it's also about, you know, teaching dogs to do something different in the same situation is now.

spk_1:   22:58
It is Yes.

spk_0:   23:00
That's that's how you do it by if you're flexible, then by definition, your dog has to be flexible as well.

spk_1:   23:09
We do? Yes. And it makes. And if we're flexible and we change things, sometimes they have to bay focused on us as well. Yeah, and no, we have that nice having that bombed, isn't it? That we trust you to do the right thing in the right situation?

spk_0:   23:28
Yeah. And it's also things like, um you know, And I suppose one way you could teach your dog on DH Correct me if I'm wrong here. But one way that I think you could teach a dog to be more flexible is that when you call your dog, um ah, nde You always make them sit in front of you. It sort of becomes automatic, doesn't that?

spk_1:   23:53
Yes, it does.

spk_0:   23:54
So instead of asking your dog too come and sit in front of you. You could ask them to come, you know, on stand by your side before you give them that reward I get paid on. So you just asked him to do something slightly different? You know, still, when you recall your dog, you still wanting to come to you, but instead off every single time, Um, asking them to sit in front of you, you could say, Actually, what I want you to do today is sit by my side and you just you just, you know, showed him what you want and then reward them for it. You could just use that little bit of treat or something, or you know that you've got to give to them and they come to you and just move it slightly so that your dog now is sitting next to you instead instead of in front of you. Yeah, and I think

spk_1:   24:49
it's more interesting for the dog to do something when they get there, not just walk up here on go choose the truth. You know, like like all sometimes shot middle. So they'll come and sit between the legs or beside a love middle. Awful. You know, I think it's nice for them for something to do when they get there, and it makes it more fun if you don't even know what they're gonna get to do one together. And, um although it might be sent next year down in my bed, you're right. It's nice to get them toa do these things and learn that it's not always gonna be the same.

spk_0:   25:22
Yeah, I think I think you know when you do that and it's just such a simple thing is such a simple thing to change, But it does. Then teach your dog that it's okay to be flexible because flexible works. You know, you always have to be a sit in front. It could be a sitting between your legs. It could be since by your side, it could be lying down. Is that sitting?

spk_1:   25:48
Yes, yeah, and it's nice to mix it up a little bit because, obviously, like we know with the recall, something great's gonna happen when they get there. So, so, making it, I get it. You're giving them something different to do when they get there, or

spk_0:   26:07
even even if it's you know they get to you. You pull out a toy and you have a little game with them before you come back on the lead no next time. Oh, yeah. Next time you call, you don't back. I'll be there, like a shot.

spk_1:   26:21
Yeah. Doesn't it look like it's in anticipation of what might happen when we get there? The yells, that appointment to come back. So it's great. Yeah. Yeah. Often when Bruce comes back, Yeah, it might come back to a lovely set of my side, but Alfred, Alfred or something. So it's all part of coming back.

spk_0:   26:42
Yeah, but it's all about making it a little bit more interesting, isn't

spk_1:   26:46
it? It is. Yeah. Yes, because he doesn't get it does ghetto for them. I'm sure that just come back, you know,

spk_0:   26:53
if we asked them to do the same thing over and over and over again, I mean, it must get boring.

spk_1:   26:59
And I feel like that again. Yeah, and and And yet we want We want them to continue coming back. So flexibility. And what we do with them one like, every time the combat is the excitement of what's gonna happen.

spk_0:   27:14
Yeah, when you're Onda more unpredictable, we are with what we're gonna be doing. I think that actually helps us get our dog back quicker.

spk_1:   27:26
Yeah. Yes, because because, Yeah, the anticipation is the most exciting bet on often moment More exciting than what happens. But that's what gets him back. No harmful the chicken. I might be a ball. And then every time the comeback, as long as you do a bonus one. Sometimes to do something mega excite. Like you said, pull it tight out by every time you call them. It might be that No. Oakley.

spk_0:   27:53
Exactly. Andi, Just by changing what you d'oh, It's just It just makes so much more exciting for the dog, doesn't that?

spk_1:   28:03
Yeah. Yes, they've got to want to come back and they're so Yeah, got what exactly?

spk_0:   28:10
You know, you know, how often do you see people you know when they're walking their dogs? Um, you know, did just call them back, stick him on the lead and taken back out. And, you know, they're coming

spk_1:   28:21
back, actually gets published. Any other city in the world that that high times over? Yeah, So I call mine, but, you know, we call him back, play with him, send him off again, and I'll put them on the lead on play again with them on the laid. So the league doesn't mean. And later, Yeah, you can play games, you know, get to get out and play on the label stuff. Yeah, the lead isn't the sound of the end of the end of Funyuns Oren guide home.

spk_0:   28:50
Yeah, I think that's actually really important. Is not, You know, when you get the leader, that is No, the end. Yeah. You know, I know that, you know, from you know, when when my dogs are puppies and I do this all through their lives Is that when I called them back, It's not always the end of the work, so I'll call them five or six times during the walk. Yeah. Then, you know, sometimes we might just have a little game sometimes on my throw bull. Other times I might get the lead out and we'll pop up on the lead for, like, you know, 10 20 metres. And then they go off the lead again and they are allowed to run free again. Yeah, Yeah. Just chased my chasing. Gonna changing that up. I've never really had a problem with the dollar recalls. No. No, because a lot

spk_1:   29:47
of people have it. Some people say the dog's fine except at the end of the walk. He wrote Comeback because he knows it's a popular dogs out that such experts are our body language and know everything we dio on DH. They pull the leader of the pocket of the duggars know that means them to the world. Yeah, so, yeah, should do. They put the lead on playtime off again, and so far that because the experts are watching us and they know that that thing coming out of the pocket all from around your neck means the fun's over. It shouldn't. The phone isn't over When that comes out, we should be flexible and doing different things. Every time is massively beneficial for your dogs. Dogs wanting to come back here.

spk_0:   30:36
Yeah, I think that's gold in this school.

spk_1:   30:40
I know I have a cold. No, I'm changing out. But people, people love habits just so boring. That is. Walk along with the dog wandering around playing on the phone, finished the walk, get the lead out, calling about crime. And its habit knows what's gonna happen because that's the only thing that ever happens at the end of the block. Yeah, and they're very

spk_0:   31:05
good at predicting.

spk_1:   31:08
Oh, yes. The dude

spk_0:   31:10
from that big

spk_1:   31:12
normally get the lead on will go when we get to that field at the end. No, I'm coming near you because you're a leader, then that field. Yeah. The massively people. People undressed, right dog, Start like the seven buys up. But know this so good at that. They

spk_0:   31:29
are, You know, they're amazing creatures, and they're so good. A particular what's gonna happen next? Yes. And you don't think you're giving cues to you, dog, but because ofthe because you're thinking about it, your body language is just telling them exactly what it is that you're going to do next.

spk_1:   31:48
Yeah, yeah, all the time. You know what we're gonna day?

spk_0:   31:52
Yeah, I think you know. And I think a lot of people don't think about the fact that dogs actually communicate much more through body language than they do with with barks and yips and and the noises that they make.

spk_1:   32:06
No. And that's why they're so good at reading ours as well.

spk_0:   32:09
Yeah, exactly. Because only what? 5 10% off their languages. Vocal rest, his body language

spk_1:   32:17
it is. And that's what I said at the beginning that people need to be their dogs expert. And I was stunned and things like, You know, when the stress fight, they licking the lips and Pontin and is going back and tell them down. But But they have to know where they're not. They're dogs. Normal normally carries the tail. Does the dog might have a tailless that's quite live all the time? And somebody else might say the more you dogs were it, But they need to get know. It always does it like that, but the need to be an expert there dog so they can. We can predict what the dog's gonna do to interact, to react in a certain place. Then we don't while people don't. It comes as a surprise or a shock aura because the debt C come in so we only can obviously just go right. We're not going that way because he's looking a little bit not quite right there. Yeah, yeah, we need to be as good as our dogs are.

spk_0:   33:19
Yeah, and that actually reminds me about a little puppy that's in one of our puppy classes at the moment. Actually, she's she's just moved up to the beginner's class, but we have a little puppy that wass. When she was in the puppy class, she was playing with some of the other puppies on DH. There were a little bit rough, and I just could see all the hairs on her back coming up. Yeah, mind. I just stepped in as a look. That's enough because she doesn't enjoy it. And, you know, it wasn't even nasty play. There was nothing that they were actually playing really nicely. But I could just see that she was getting worried about it. And I said, Look, just call your dog's back, Um and you know, and we'll do something with our dogs and just let things cool down a bit because that little dog is not happy about what's going on. Yeah, you know, it was anyone's very gentle play that was happening at that time, but I could just see that one of the dogs was getting more and more excited on this little part, which was slightly smaller than the other one. I was actually starting to get worried about

spk_1:   34:32
her. Yeah, yeah. So

spk_0:   34:36
I stopped the play there and then and then explained why I'd stopped the play because they're saying, but she's still going in. She still wants to play. I don't think I like it. Yeah, but she's actually going in to say back off.

spk_1:   34:49
Yeah, Yeah, I do think we should learn more about their dogs specifically, but But what we do about the dog body language because, you know, people are talking to the dogs and say my dog should do what say and this, but but they can't understand the communication to get back off the dog. So it's only a one way street. And, uh, yeah, people should learn more about its One of my book says, Yeah, people should learn more about it because because way still, we see it a lot that the dogs have reacted in a certain when that their own hasn't got clothes.

spk_0:   35:24
Yeah, and and actually, to be fair, it's not just I don't know if this is something that, because with the trainers were more aware off. But the a couple of weeks ago, a couple of weekends ago, we went to London and we were walking in. I think it was Hyde Park, and you've got this big circular lake. There is a hide Lock. What isthe There's a big circular lake. There was a kid playing on the past next to the lake here, and I I said to my husband, so this is gonna end badly. And then as we got closer, I said to the boy, What shot? That you don't fall in? Yeah, I haven't actually finished saying it any That was in the water. Oh, I could just see it happening.

spk_1:   36:21
Wow, you can No,

spk_0:   36:24
I need you to see it happening the way he was playing. And even though at that time when I first spotted it, he wasn't actually right by the edge. I thought, if it's going to continue on like that, he's gonna fall in. Yeah,

spk_1:   36:39
yes, we can see it happening. And we like we can with dogs. We can see what?

spk_0:   36:43
Yeah, I I don't know whether that's because I'm more in tune with body language because yeah, off the training of the dogs. Because I think it must be that because, you know, because my my other half, so to say Tamir, how did you know that was gonna happen? That does not see it a mile off?

spk_1:   37:08
Yeah, like a camera dogs we could see at my law. You know,

spk_0:   37:12
I could just see that the way he was moving his body on the way, he was sort of drifting from one side to the other side on the path. It wasn't gonna take much for him to actually end up in that leg. Yeah, if anything wass that just just as I said, it'd be careful you don't fall in. That's

spk_1:   37:33
when you went

spk_0:   37:33
past in. Next thing I hairs of splash

spk_1:   37:37
unknown. Did you have to drag him out?

spk_0:   37:40
There was another lady which was a little bit closer, so it was just behind us. And she calls him chips. Great grab that drags him out. But ah,

spk_1:   37:48
yeah, Father, register me because we have to bay. Welcome. You don't have to be observant in the way of us around. I think we just do it all the time.

spk_0:   37:58
Yeah, and I don't think we're aware of it.

spk_1:   38:00
I think we just hobbits. Yeah, we just do it

spk_0:   38:05
again. This not happen again, isn't it? We've been talking about?

spk_1:   38:10
Yeah, somehow. Basic. Right now all I have is you. Oh, yeah. Like like being asleep before midnight is to the sun on my laptop. Okay. Every website, things like habits like that. It's just a

spk_0:   38:23
meaty Ah, yeah, I'm actually quite good. Eight o'clock.

spk_1:   38:27
08 o'clock. And so does just start in a minute.

spk_0:   38:31
Eight o'clock is when I say that's it.

spk_1:   38:34
I need to do that. I need to be in that place. Yeah, if I'm out all day with clients and then got classic like, your classes and stuff, sometimes they finish and get intimate. And then he and then what? We're dogs and then sit down And do I need to change a lot of habits?

spk_0:   38:53
Yeah, Yeah, but it's just that I I wasn't as good as that at this last year, But I really made enough for two to actually say no eight o'clock That says I'm not going to do any more work after right. And some days now is even seven o'clock.

spk_1:   39:12
Um, jealous. Well, but because I'm

spk_0:   39:16
just saying, Okay, that's enough. You know, I've done Elikann due today. Now it's time to relax, because if I don't, I can't actually sleep.

spk_1:   39:25
No. Yeah. So

spk_0:   39:26
I got to that stage where everything was just mulling around in my head and I was really struggling. Sleeping, which is why I've sort of said Okay. Yeah, this is It was when I was writing my book. It wasn't like this. You know why I was so dedicated to getting that book finished? You know, I would have worked If my husband hadn't said anything, I would have worked 10 12 o'clock at night.

spk_1:   39:51
Yeah, last that's early for me, but yeah, well, I'm doing, I'm writing my book, so that's taken. I've got to a lot of time for that as well. So yeah, I just I was in the day, but we spend a lot of time with our dogs because we love them and we lost down stuff with our client stops. So that takes up a considerable amount of time. So

spk_0:   40:12
does it. Does? Yeah, and yeah, it's it's not. It's not time wasted by any means. But you know, is, you know, you have to find that balance.

spk_1:   40:25
Yes, we did we day and say I'm a dogs. We got Tio decide what's know what's good for them. Do the one to walk today of the too stressed is that you know it went the book. It yes, full. If lots of things happened before the walk, that means the anxious and stressed Don't do the work talk. Do something else. Is that basement else? Because I'll teach them to relax. Dogs need to sometimes make need to make the choice if you got especially if you got a building. Shove it, Tio. Yes, Yes. Demo

spk_0:   41:04
Hikari nine dead.

spk_1:   41:06
Yes. They need to make the choice to relax sometimes. Yeah,

spk_0:   41:10
game on my canine bed and teach him to love it.

spk_1:   41:15
All right? Yes,

spk_0:   41:17
because I can't get loan off her now,

spk_1:   41:21
right? Uh, t the moment Bruce's bed quite often seems to be my sofa, but he will kill more. And I'm quite happy he will. Is off switches. You'll go on the sofa, and he will actually have come time. But he's choking each other's the sofa of his. I didn't choose. So for friends alive? Yeah, their choices on different. They're Riccio's a safer on DH. Yeah. My my Molly actually learned to come when he was on there. That's fine, because

spk_0:   41:54
yeah, I must say where where? The bad days. Now, that used to be, like, a little safer there. But we got rid of it because it was taking up too much room. So I got on high canine bed, which still meant that she's off the floor.

spk_1:   42:09
Oh, yeah? Well, like I said, yes. You actually drink bags at the

spk_0:   42:12
race by It's brilliant.

spk_1:   42:15
Lovely. And they

spk_0:   42:17
are roughly yes. And I actually bought an extra large one with the thought off that more than Mondo could go on at the same time.

spk_1:   42:26
Yeah. Monday for no,

spk_0:   42:28
no, no, no, no, no, no, no. They're taking the Maquis, taking them to keep, you know, tale to know, Stretch that. No other that can go on it.

spk_1:   42:38
No far of mine will go on to one massive beds on the first Bruce tries to share, But the little ones, they're still not into hanging out that much. Work could limit literal, meddlesome friend share a bed with a boat. But there was the meth. Three little ones. They're just not that impressed. All right with them. But they're not about to the point of bed sharing. It s so little deal out there. Then the three tiny dogs have the massive what? They know that, but yeah, I'm trying to get into learn to settle, Mama, the moment someone is gone B a is a little boy, the teaching, no boundaries And, you know, nice and supple on that, because I think it's grey I used him in. Plus now a halfway on the bed. The rather let a little is they're hot. It's not often I love it, so yeah, I think they're right. You just gives them a definite place, doesn't it? To Judy

spk_0:   43:48
dolls? Yeah, it has beds. Is this high pads there? Brilliant. Anyway, thank you very very much for joining me on the podcast. I love talking to you. Absolutely brilliant. I think we've got some really, really good advice in this podcast form for people on DH. I hope they will let us know what they think of it. Yes, yes. Oh, before you go, would you like to tell people where they can find out a little bit more about you?

spk_1:   44:24
Yeah. On my website is www dot fairy godmother dot co dot UK. So that's my main website. The reserve I'm gonna put a link on there is a happy Dog project website as well, which is have the habit of project dot co dot UK. But yeah. Either of them you'll find me on based sin in Leeds, sir. Cover leads all over there, so Yeah, Andi, it's been lovely. I like talking to you. I always day it's fun.